Sunday, October 30, 2022


Chithrakagranthikadi kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine for Colic pain and indigestion.  It is used in many diseases from endometriosis to hernia.


Benefits of Chithrakagranthikadi kashayam.

This kashayam increases digestive fire (agnideepana) and removes undigested waste products from body (amapachana).

It is mainly used in the treatment of indigestion with pain, flatulence and distension of abdomen. It relieves constipation.

It removes obstructions in channels and improves circulation. It reduces visceral oedema.

It is beneficial in cysts and growths in various parts of abdomen. It can be useful in endometriosis, ovarian cyst, and dysmenorrhoea.

It can be used to treat first stages of various diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, hepatic disorders, appendicitis, renal disorders, PCOD etc.